I’m so excited to write this post because I think it’s going to help a lot of young entrepreneurs out there! Every month, I try my best to read a few business books.
Why? Yes, most of them hold valuable information, but honestly, I mostly read for another reason.
It gets me in the right state of mind, keeps me motivated, and inspired to work on my own business. Depending on what I’m working on, my mood, and direction my life is going in determines what genre of book I like to read.
Below I’ve added my favorites that I have read throughout the years, and the books I recommend you reading. If you want to check out my library that I made for you, you can click HERE to access it and explore all the titles I added to it.
Habit Building
The first type of book I want to talk about is habit building, how to form good habits, break the bad ones, and how to get back on course when you start going back to old habits. There are two stand out books in this area, which are Atomic Habits by James Clear and Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg.
Both of these books use science backed data and information. Being a Psychology Major myself, I really enjoyed these two books because the authors incorporated a lot of those elements in these books. But they both go over easy ways to change your life. Things you can implement right away, and start seeing improvements right away in your own life.
Quotes / Motivational
If you are looking for a quick read with chapters that act as quick hits of motivation, check out Good Vibes Good Life by Vex King. This is a smaller book that has short concise chapters that get right to the point, and give you fast information you can work with right away. If you like shorter books without all the fluff, this is a great book for you!
In general, this book helps you change the way you feel, act, speak, and helps you cultivate a positive outlook on life. It just gives you exactly what the title says, good vibes.
Self Help
This book holds a special place I my heart, and I will never forget when I read it. It was my first book I read in 2023.
I started it January 1st, and finished it 5 days later. How Are You, Really by Jenna Kutcher was AMAZING. Jenna is a wonderful person to begin with, so I wasn’t surprised to find her book to be just as perfect.
Her book makes you reflect, and really look within and do some deep work when it comes to discovering what we truly want out of life.
You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero was another book that really stuck with me. Her writing style is super unique, and she really serves up a lot of attitude within her bite sized chapters.
I also loved that she talked about energy, and religion, and beliefs in a way that never pushed a certain type of religion on you. It might be a personal thing for me, but I HATE when you can tell an authors political or religious beliefs.
I’m not sure if that’s a universal feeling among readers, but I really don’t like that when reading a book. It bugs me haha. But with Jen, I didn’t get that feeling at all. Her book just inspired me and motivated me in all the right ways.
If you are looking to do anything within the digital marketing space, Launch by Jeff Walker is a really good book; which has up to date information that pertains to this digital age. It’s relevant to the digital market that we currently live in.
He talks about online launches and how to build a business that you love. I marked up this book more than I can count. It had so much useful information that I was able to use within my own business.
Start Your Entrepreneurial Journey (Now)
If you are just staring out your entrepreneurial journey or your small business, and want to quit your 9-5 but don’t know where to start? Read Two Weeks Notice by Amy Porterfield.
She gives you the exact roadmap to follow so you can not only quit your job, but hit the ground running so your transition from your 9-5 to your own business plan is a seamless transition.
This book is for anyone that needs a business model that fits your personality type. It goes over different concepts to help you work less and earn more money.
It’s also full of business case studies and practical advice which I loved. Chill and Prosper by Denise Duffield-Thomas was a super down to earth book that gave me a totally different perspective from the work hard and work longer hours we are always told to do. I really enjoyed reading it.
Yes, I know I know. Finance isn’t the most glamorous topic to read about, but I have two books that are not only packed with useful information, but are super easy books to read. The first one is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki which talks about how his dad (poor) and a friends dad (rich) taught him lessons growing up about finances. I have recommended this book friends that have read it in a day. It’s a page turner for sure, and contains lots of lessons that I still think about to this day.
The next book in the finance area I recommend you reading is Rich as F*ck by Amanda Frances.
And I know. When I first saw this cover I’m not going to lie I was really put off by it. But I decided to read a few pages on Amazon and found this book really motivated me in the right ways to get my own work done. I loved picking up this book and reading a chapter a day. It was one of those books that made you think to yourself I can do it too. I’m going to start making moves within my own business and start generating more income for myself. This book puts you into her empowered financial reality, and shows you that it can be available to you too. Her views on abundance and views on financial freedom were motivating to read about.
Check Out My Digital Library
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. If you are interested in checking out my complete library with all the books that I didn't talk about in this post, you can click over HERE and check it out.
Also, if you have any questions about any of these titles, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
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